Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wood Stove Cooking

I have said it over and over, I want to learn to live off the land. I know that one of the luxuries I have to do without is gas. When you have a gas water heater and cook stove you really get to work a little harder without it. I have been living without gas now for months and I have got to the point of really missing it. I just thank God for the wood stove chain saw and wood splitter! Cooking on a wood stove is a lot harder than just throwing it on the gas stove. Taking baths takes a lot more than just turning on the hot water now. You get to heat the water on the woodstove and then take a bath. Every time I want to give in and I say please turn the gas back on I get reminded of how I want to live off the land. How there will not be a gas supply at the top of the mountain and if hard times really hit for everyone I will have an advantage with all the practice I get using a wood stove. Oh God help me be strong and not be a selfish lazy woman.

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