Saturday, July 26, 2008

Watch out Big Trucks!

So I called the law office and got a deal worked out for one of my credit cards. I paid 325.00 to get started and it will be 250.00 a month after that. In around 6 months that bill will be paid in full! They were actually pretty nice this time. So then I was on my way to work Friday evening when all of the sudden this big enterprise box truck comes over the center line right at me, I turned the wheel but had very little room to the right so sharply turned it back and was on the road with an abrupt jerk. After realizing I was still alive and OK I could feel my heart pounding!! God had to of pulled me through that one because that truck was headed right for me! So I made it to work and after a long night's work I get home and the kids had been playing with the toys in my room. So I shut the light out and all of the sudden while walking to my bed I land my foot on something that crunched! It hurt pretty bad so I decided to go back and turn my light back on to find my jewelry box, crushed. I guess they had decided to play with that too! So my glass in my jewelry box is crushed and my toe is bleeding and now I am really hurting! I just thank God it didn't cut my toe off! So my son help me get that bandaged up and off to bed I went, slept like a baby!

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