Monday, August 25, 2008

Paying Off Debt

I paid another 250.00 to one of my credit cards today. I know it was alot but I want to get this paid and out of the way! It was due today and I had enough to cover it, but the next two weeks are going to be slim. I spent over 200.00 at walmart on the kids stuff and groceries,canning supplies ect. So We should be good for 2 weeks, I think the only thing I will have to buy is milk and gas so we will get through. I only have 3 more payments on this credit card and it will be paid! I still over 6550.69 on my car, but at least the payments are up to date as of this moment! I ask that you pray I will have strength to get all these bills paid and a spirit of protection over my children while I do so. I will owe for 3 more credit cards that I will attack one at a time when I get the last three payments made on this one. Praise God for opening my eyes to see the mess I was in and being able to have a job to pay it off. Even though the days seem long and I get weak he is still there to give me the strength I need. But I sure miss staying at home with my kids! My advice to everyone is if you have a credit card, get rid of it, pay it off. Dont get in the same situation I did. Or you will pay way more than what you actually spent!

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