Thursday, April 26, 2012

Updates from the country

Since I wrote last we have had two yard sales.  I experimented with different advertising routes and I do believe I need to just rent a building in town and get rid of it all!  We did ok but still have lots to sell.  We have one garden planted and hoping for no more freezing temps.  Lots more seeds to plant but I will be keeping some for my emergency bag too!  School is almost done for the year and we are enjoying the thought of summer break!  We ended up selling our horse and thinking about buying a cow or goat.  One of my boys are buying a piece of property and the waiting process is way to long when you are waiting on the closing date.  I know it will be here before we know it but we are excited for him to have his own place.  Well enough for now I have to go hang out a load of laundry and get the kids going on their homework.  Have a great day out there in blogland!

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