Monday, June 30, 2008

Summons Credit Card Bills Get Out Of Debt

Well I guess they have been as patient as they could, so since I have been back to work a whole month now, I have got my car payments up to date, with one due on the second which there is no way I can pay for two more weeks because that is when I get paid again, and I spent hundreds of dollars in bills friday when I got paid. Now I have enough money to get back and forth to work for the next two weeks.
Sunday morning I am sleeping when I hear someone beating on the door, and then they start ringing my dinner bell outside. So I get up and peek out the window and its the cops! Oh they just have a summons for one of the credit cards I owe on so I guess this will be the next one I attack. I am so tired of bills, if you have a credit card and cannot pay it off in the same month throw it away!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASAP It will only double and then some on finace charges, ect ect. It is not worth it!
I am getting ready to head back to work today with a mission that IS Possible, Pay Off those bills!!!!!!!
Have a great day out there in blog land and remember I can do all things through Christ who strenthens me!

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