Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Stay At Home Moms SAHM

Life in the world we know is but a drop in the bucket. The race is on continually for the worldly aspects of life. Getting just a little more than someone else we know, or having a higher status in society seems a constant goal. When we fail it brings feelings of worthlessness and guilt.
If ever you stop to consider the question, what in the world am I here for? Be assured you’re here for a reason. Everyone has a purpose in life. Male and Female created he them. One of the biggest problems that we face is the role that we play. Confusion sets in and all seems but a blur. Just what am I to do? It’s really simple. If you don’t loose sight of the prize. Play your part. Be in the right role. Stay in tune with what you know is right. Don’t give in, not even an inch.
Male and Female
God has a plan that is right for us. We have a free will to choose that lifestyle or create a different one. Which path we take reflects the rest of our life. Every choice you make will decide your future. In today’s society feminism has tried to ruin the American people. Men were designed by God to be the head of the house, while the women was to be his helpmeet. Women are to have their place in the home with their children taking care of their own family. Today women try to rule the roost, take my advice I have been there. It may seem like the easy way out but all in all it makes it harder on everyone, even the woman.
Women were designed to be the weaker vessel not to be a ruler of their husbands. When a woman gets out of her place, the whole family has to suffer. When she lets the husband make the decisions, all will go well for she has honored her husband in his headship.
Women at work
What every woman should know is that life doesn’t have to be as stressful as we make it for ourselves. What situation do you find yourself in? As a woman I know that yes its nice to have your own money, and yes its cool to have the neatest latest things, but how do we really feel deep down inside? Do we put our husband at the top of all? What do our children feel. Do they have the mom that they can depend on? Or do they have a mom that is too busy to even pay attention to their needs. A Man’s role is to be the KING of HIS CASTLE, yes that’s right. A man needs to feel like a king in his home, and he needs a queen that is right there for him. Whenever he needs her. She will be there. Not a worldly woman that searches for riches among the wolves and thieves. The workforce is no place for the woman. How can she manage the home when she works outside of the home? She can’t. Being a SAHM (stay at home mom) is the female duty, the role, the answer to a confused household. The answer to making a marriage work in world that has been torn apart by divorce.
How will we Survive
The question arises quickly, yes that sounds great and all but how will we survive? In this day and age if we don’t have two incomes coming in how will be able to afford anything? The number one answer is this. KEEP IT SIMPLE. Put your priorities in order. God made male and female. The male is the provider, the female his helpmeet, the keeper at home. The female was designed to have children and take care of those children. Not send them off to some daycare, where they can not be sure what may be going on there. Nor off to some school where they could receive ungodly influence . Yes, the woman was created by God to be the keeper of the home.
When order is established in the home, then God can provide. And he will. When a family is doing the will of God he is with them. They will ask and they will receive because they have his word and his word is truth. Faith as a mustard seed is all it takes. Giving a total commitment to God and serving him means putting all else aside and listing to him will give you a peaceful heart.
Let me encourage those of you who are trying to survive in this wicked world that there is hope. Women, we must put our husbands first, even though we feel we are right, and we must work to survive, that is all an illusion. A trap of the devil. We must come home to our husband and children and let God take control of our lives. We must put God’s Word first and our self last. We must come home! It will be then that we will feel satisfied. We will then have our role in place. We can work from the home, but we must not be under another man’s authority. When in the workforce we must bow to another and do as they say. When at home there is only one we must let lead us. And we will be on the path that was meant for us at last.
Making the right choice will result in a happy family home. Peace, love and happiness within one’s home is worth it’s weight in Gold. We must strive for the prize and the higher calling which was given to us by the Most Holy One. Choose you this day who you will serve. Let us live by his Word.


Unknown said...

you have a wonderful blog......and happy holidays :)

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